Is Writing a Novel Scary?

A Pic1Do you hesitate to do something because it scares you? Me too. Some things feel like you are about jump into the deep end of the pool, and you don’t know how to swim. That’s how it felt to publish my first book, A Whisper from Eden, on Kindle Direct Publishing. I was about to put my baby out there and it felt like I was walking into the middle of the street naked, asking “Well, what do you think?”

Pushing the publish button was terrifying.

Turned out not be as bad as I imagined. The majority of fears turn out that way. People like the book.

I published another book, and am working on two more. The whole process is not easy, but not as nerve-wracking as when I was a newbie, because I’ve met lots of friends here on the Internet, readers and writers.

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