A Review of Shakti and The Prince

Just wanted to share a nice review from a fellow writer. I am looking forward to his upcoming novel: Hidden From Our Eyes, an alternative history gem that we were honored to be chosen as advance readers.

Shakti and The Prince review:

This is an amazingly comprehensive book, drawing form Science, Religion, History, and much more to create an interesting tale of fantasy and intrigue. Phoenix has taken on the entire history and prehistory of the world in one book. Overall, I really enjoyed reading it.

I was extremely intrigued and captivated by the sub-plot involving the survival of the Neanderthal species of hominids up to the present time. What I really LOVED about the story, and what kept me reading to the very end, was the intervention of two modern humans and how they became involved with Shakti. The drama/intrigue of what happened after they found her was extremely captivating. I would have liked to have seen some interaction with some of the other Neanderthals still alive, but the book still deserves 5 stars in my opinion.

–Jim  Fisher

See Shakti and the Prince here